1710 last night

Wednesday, June 01 2005

I just listened to 1710 (6/1 0855-0905 UTC) and report the following.

There was audio at the threshold level. I mostly heard a man talking and not much
else. Because of lightning noise, I could not even identify the language. I suspect I
at the least had Lubavitcher Radio (the Jewish Station in Brooklyn). I took a
spectrum snapshot of the channel and noted there were at least six distinct carriers.
Two of them looked strong enough to produce audio. This is similar to what I noted
in the past. In addition to the Brooklyn station, the other strong carrier was likely the
Haitian pirate station in the Boston area. I have no idea who the other four stations
are. So.... This is a "crowded" channel and we will have to be careful about IDing
whatever we hear. In the past, the Brooklyn station is usually off the air Friday
evening and Saturday morning, assumed for the Sabbath, so that may be the best
time to hunt for the Argentinean station.

I measured the two strong carriers at 1709.972 and 1710.022. The other carriers
were at 1709.989, 1709.992, 1710.011, and 1710.060. Please keep in mind that
these measurements are relative to each other and may not be exact because of
calibration error.

If anyone is interested I can send an inage of the spectrum snapshot on request. If
there is enough interest, I will post it to my web site.

Bill Harms
Elkridge, Maryland

On 31 May 2005 at 9:48, ben dangerfield wrote:

> Again last night I heard the station on 1710 going in and out with the
> Brooklyn Jewish station. Best between 2230 and 2300 EDST. As mentioned
> by Les, the second station was playing romantic Spanish type music with
> some vocals but I did not hear any announcements. Quite loud at times and
> over the Brooklyn station at times. Sure could have been the Argentina
> station that moved from 1700. However, both the station and I faded just
> before 2300 so I could not get and ID. I faded after an afternoon and
> evening of family Memorial Day activities.
> Kaz. did you try last night ?
> Ben Dangerfield, Wallingford, Pa. [SE cor Pa]