Wobbler Xtreme on 910

Wednesday, June 01 2005

Hi Curt, Tom, & exteemed wonderers re the wobbler;'

     1001 EDT today no wobbler, no R. Metropolitana 910. Wobbled into radio room 1315 local, read your posts. Metro back on air, no wobbler. Why? Possibility:

   Metro not wobbler? Plodded through lists, logs, dumbfounding artifacts, here's 910 Cuba: 

     Reloj   Bolondron, Matanzas    not heard long time
     Cadena Agramonte    Camaguey    not heard lately
     Metro   Habana        regular days, some nights
     Reloj    GTMO          

Possible Reloj GTMO still active, wobbling nights against Metro & others? Why no wobbling here days as at your qth? Two possibilities:

  1. WTMW Plant City, 1Kw, weak here w/Metro off air. Why wouldn't Metro - if wobbler - beat against 'TMW, be at least weakly audible this qth? Maybe because Reloj, GTMO, inaudible days this qth, is wobbler?

   2. WTMW maybe off air, can't tell today w/lightning ix. If off air, no wobble, regardless of culprit, as no other carriers audible days this qth.

   Check tonight with Sony 2010, RatShak & Terk loops, Rubbermaid turntable - thx to Hr. Krueger - (get more curious looks on cruise ships & parks), converstation starter, promote hobby & clubs.

   Using above setup as well as R-390 &104' veranda wire, at present Metro 910 strong, fair over lightning ix, no wobbles any mode - AM, SyncDet, U/LSB, from any direction.


Paul Vincent Zecchino
Paraclete of the Possible,
Manasoviet Key, FL
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