iBOC tuners - here is a lead

Friday, June 03 2005

> > The only thing I've
heard/seen about for IBOC
> > radios is some vaporware rack system receiver - certainly nothing
> > remotely portable. OK if (a.) you like DXing from your
> > system, and (b.) if it ever materializes. What a train wreck.

Replying to one of the lists, and sending to several (makes my
work slightly easier) ... here is the site of the HD system I was
given a pointer to, it is radiosophy.com. Looks as if the price
is in the $ 249 range. Looks like a small unit containing the
electronics, fitting into a somewhat larger unit with dual speakers.

The on-line demo is pure marketing, and unfortunately seriously
lacking in much useful technical information. It gives a demo
of receiving a FM signal and the LCD panel shows the slow data rate
text streaming of song titles, etc. I didn't find anything that speaks
specifically to the idea of how it does on AM, but the implication
I got in the short time I spent at the site (I _hate_
sites like this) is that it is an all-band HD set. (HD seems to be
the term the people in the trade use to describe what DXers call

But you may enjoy the up-scale music that plays when you
access the site. Sort of like reading the Robb Report and looking
at the pictures of the yachts in Palm Beach Marina.

But this is, indeed, an entertainment system. I would not call it
a portable. So the quest continues.

Anyway, we report, you decide

- Bob