New trivia question: 1240 Chicago

Saturday, June 04 2005

Eric got the correct answer first, but Don also answered the QRM question correctly. WJOB swamped the three stations in southern Chicago. At least two of the three was roof-top tower/ground.

So the Magic Duck flies down and leaves the prize on Don's head.

Now for the penalty, I tell the inevitable Tall Tale.

During a late 1966 visit to WSBC (1240, Chicago) in the afternoon, I think, I was given a very cordial tour of the station. Every question answered. Taken into the studio while a syndicated program was running. "Corazon de Mexico" or somesuch.

I had lucked out in that I visited the station at "hand-over" time (their term) to WEDC. NOW GET THIS SEQUENCE!:

WSBC carrying "Corazon de Mexico" program comes to hand-over time.
Announcer sez (paraphrasing) "Now WSBC signs off. We invite you to remained tuned to 1240 for WEDC, Chicago, and the "Corazon de Mexico" program."
WSBC carrier down
(on studio monitor:)
WEDC carrier up
Announcer sez (paraphrasing) "Thank you, WSBC!" This is WEDC, Chicago. Now the program 'Corazon de Mexico' continues."
WEDC program up, "Corazon de Mexico" continuing uninterrupted except only by hand-over.

Handover time only took about 15 seconds!

(A separate issue is how many listeners lose the program to QRM from WJOB-1230. The coverage area of the three station differed very distinctly.)