Wobbler ...

Monday, June 06 2005

I agree with you it seems improbable that the Wobblers heard on a variety of broadcast channels are jammers.
As for your hypothesis, I must admit I don't have the technical expertise to understand the relationship between satellite downloads and broadcast station signals. 
If the Wobbler could be shown to be a modulation artifact, then I could see -- though not really understand the specifics -- that various signals found around a broadcast installation could infiltrate and adversely affect the transmitted signal audio. 
However, because of the characteristic of the Wobbler to be highlighted by using a heterodyne technique, it seems more likely it is the carrier of the signal that is fluctuating.  If the Wobbler were modulation related, it doesn't seem introducing a heterodyne by using SSB and de-tuning from the carrier frequency would create the varying beat signal that it does, which is the nature of the Wobbler.
A third possibility occurs to me; that you are suggesting a completely separate carrier is generated as a result of the satellite signal instabilities and somehow broadcast along with the normal signal.  The heterodyne then produced by tuning tricks, is on that superfluous carrier.  Again, my limited knowledge of broadcast systems prevents me from evaluating that possibility, although off hand it seems unlikely.
There is a good chance I completely misunderstand your point, so patience and further explanation would be much appreciated.
No matter what, thanks for adding more pieces to the thought puzzle that is the Wobbler.
W. Curt Deegan
Boca Raton, (South East) Florida