KEX IBOC Sideband Image

Monday, June 06 2005

We have Spanish
KXMG 1150 DA2 D OR US 5.000 0.047 ----- 9.60 43.31 N/E 08.0
That produces sidebands on open 1160 .. I can hear them with wide filters to
1165 when the IBOC starts. 1170 is covered with IBOC. IBOC covers 1210 and
is there until 1215 when I start getting side bands for Spanish
KCCS 1220 ND2 D OR US 1.000 0.171 ----- 42.15 194.74 SSW 08.0
And then
KMUZ 1230 ND1 C OR US 0.920 0.920 ----- 16.88 103.50 ESE 08.0
With narrow filters I can hear IBOC from 1161 to 1215 but it's kinda hard to
tell the end of iboc and the start of noise.

I added another band scan with wider scan so you can see the adjacent
channels and the scope of the interferance.

de Mary Anne/ke7cgz

-----Original Message-----

Thanks. They sound about like that out here on the coast too. By the time
you get to 1170 or 1210, the hash is totally gone.I have not listened to KEX
while in the Portland metro area as yet though. Do they knock out 1170 &
1210 in Portland? I can phase KEX out here and get a poor signal from KLAY
1180 Lakewood WA days, but not too good.



Patrick Martin
Seaside OR
KAVT Reception Manager