Monday, June 06 2005


Now it makes sense. I thot you were centered on 1500.

Let's see what I hear further from WTOP.

Then I will ask them what they're putting on those sidebands.


Bill Harms wrote:

> The channel is 1490 khz. What you see on that image is a 10 minute
>(actually 9 minute 59 second long) clip measuring signal strength (based on the
>audio) that started at 0555 Eastern time (the 0 minute mark at the bottom) and
>ended at 0605 Eastern time (the 10 minute mark). WTOP turned on the IBOC at the
>5 minute mark or 0600 eastern time. The wider spread after the 5 minute mark (or at
>0600 eastern time) is the graphical display of IBOC encroaching from 1500 on 1490.
>Since the hash (5 minutes to 10 minutes) from WTOP is much stronger than the
>signals on the left side (0 minutes to 5 minutes), it covers 1490 almost completely.
>I hope you can follow that.
>Bill harms
>On 4 Jun 2005 at 22:41, Alan Bosch wrote:
>>I guess is still don't get the orientation of the waveform.
>>Is it centered on 1500 and 6kc wide?
>>Then why the big bulge only toward the high side?
>>I thought alI IBOC was symmetrical.
>>Bill Harms wrote:
>>>The receiver was an R8B and the bandwidth was 6 khz.
>>>I have heard WTOP blow away WTRI in Montgomery county within WTRI's primary
>>>coverage area. WTRI should have a complaint here, but I understand that there is
>>>no protection for second adjacent stations.
>>>Bill Harms
>>>Elkridge, Maryland
>>>On 30 May 2005 at 0:13, Alan Bosch wrote:
>>>>Thanxmuch. Nice to know I am not hallucinating about WTOP -- the first
>>>>IBOC hash I had ever heard.
>>>>Think I'll send this along to WTPI -- who (like WTOP) did not react to my
>>>>first missive on the problem.
>>>>What is the L-R spread in kHz? Is it possible to get one, if this does
>>>>not, going upward to 1520?
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