Unconventional, unrefined KPIG squealing into town

Monday, June 06 2005

Oh Wow! That is the greatest radio news I've heard in a long time. I
was a daily listener (on the internet) until 3 years ago when they
started charging & I changed over to WDVX. A great format &
DJ's...Keeping my fingers crossed that they make it in S.F.

don k.

bportzer@comcast.net wrote:

> This link was posted on another
> e-group.http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2005/06/05/MNGQAD3UJ41.DTL Bay
> area residents will now be able to hear KPIG at 1510 AM, with its
> reather uncoventional format. Bruce