New trivia question: WTOP

Monday, June 06 2005

Prior to 3/29/41, WTOP (then WJSV) was on 1460, which was 40 KHz below the top of the dial.  As of 3/29/41, the North American frequency reallocation moved the top of the dial to 1600, and WJSV moved to 1500.  They changed calls to WTOP in 1943, which was likely referring to top of the DC dial, as I believe they were the highest frequency AM in the DC metro area.
Mike Hawkisn

Robert Foxworth <> wrote:
These two questions are actually related items...

The band ended at 1500 so the TOP of the dial was there.
Then W2XR was in the experimental band above 1500,
specifically 1560. That's why they had that call. The FCC
issued calls with a number, immediately followed by X
to designate experimental. They stopped doing that with
the W-(number)-X-n-n series, thus a ham could get the vanity
call W2XQ, for example. In the 70's the former WQXR
CE was active on 2 meter ham, and the guys were urging him
to apply for W2XR as a ham call, which he could have done,
but I don't think he ever did so.

The experimental stations now get WAnXxx, WBnXxx
(example Dave Schmidt's WB3XNN recently,) where
X is X literally, and x is any letter.

More than you asked for I'm sure. - Bob

----- Original Message -----
To: "Mailing list for the International Radio Club of America"

Sent: Monday, June 06, 2005 17:04
Subject: Re: [IRCA] New trivia question: WTOP

> Top of the Dial, at 1500 kHz
> --- Charles A & Leonor L Taylor
> wrote:
> > My Trivia Question for the moment:
> >
> > What is the significant of "TOP" of WTOP?
> >
> > Kevin Redding answered correctly W2XR to my Trivia
> > Question of "What was
> > original callsign of WQXR.."
> >
> > Subject of a new Trivia Question upcoming, W2XR.
> >
> > Charles

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