Bob Foxworth's theory of Wobbler partially dissected right before your eyes

Thursday, June 09 2005

Thanks for taking the time to try to explain this to me.  I think I now know what it is you are suggesting.  If I have not again missed the point, I would agree this could be a possible source of the Wobbler.
Let me presume to boil down your detailed explanation into what is almost certainly an inadequate simplification. 
In its barest form a transmitter is an oscillator to generate the fixed frequency carrier signal, a modulator to impress the audio envelope upon the carrier, and an amplifier to juice it all up and shoot it out the antenna, with a few odds and ends thrown in to make it all seem worthy of a college degree for having designed it.. 
What I hear you suggesting is that at transmitter sites where Wobblers seem to originate, it is not just the oscillator that is generating the carrier signal, but extraneous signals from other paraphernalia in the transmission facility that are introducing off frequency signals along with the desire one, which then are fed through the modulation and amplification steps and blasted into my unsuspecting radio.
Whether these undesirable MW frequencies come from satellite or T1 equipment, is less the point than the fact that shoddy equipment installation and maintenance allows extraneous signals, whatever their source, to affect the broadcast signal.  And the wobbling is the end result.
I hope I have not taken so many liberties in reducing this to my level of understanding that I have again missed the point.  Does this sum up what you are saying?
W. Curt Deegan
Boca Raton, (South East) Florida