WSBR 740 IBOC off, among others.

Friday, June 10 2005

>It just occurred to me the reason I was hearing the 750 Wobbler from
Cuba so clearly this afternoon. Local WSBR -- a Business Talk >station
which has been enjoying the improved high fidelity sound of IBOC, that
all talk stations need -- turned off their hissing machine. >
>I even heard 730 WWTK "News-Talk 730 TK", Lake Placid, FL, for the very
first time, as a happy result.
>After a quick check, it appears WHSR 980 (Ethnic) and WWNN 1470 (Talk)
both in Pompano Beach and sister stations of WSBR, have >ditched their
IBOC as well. These two are not quite so local but as near as I can
tell IBOC is gone.
>No idea why they've quit hissing on the band, but I hope it's
>WQAM 560 -- another talker but unrelated to the above stations -- is
still hissing all over Miami.
>W. Curt Deegan
>Boca Raton, (South East) Florida

You - as a local listener - are now in an excellent position
to send a short, polite, written business-type letter to
the GM or other managerial type, of each of those stations,
and (1) comment on the improvement in quality since they
turned it off (2) thank them for doing so, and (3) request
that it stay off.

Maybe they are just adjusting things, and maybe it will
come back (as they speculate about WPEN 950) but I
think any feedback listeners can provide at this point in time
will be carefully noted by them.

They will brobably be concerned that a listener was even
aware of it, given the lack of HD receivers. You may want to
consider phrasing it as "noise on the signal" which of course, it is.

What is there to lose?

- Bob