Next Trivia Question: W 2 X R

Friday, June 10 2005


I'm not sure if anyone else answered this yet, but W2XR was an
experimental station. It was a sort of crude predecessor to television,
except it only transmitted still images. This was during the 1930s,
when something like that was really high tech stuff. Someone was
probably looking at using it as an electronic newspaper or something

After checking with my friend Mister Google, I learned W2XR later
experimented with high fidelity audio broadcasts just above the AM
broadcast band (which ended at 1500 back then), and then became WQXR.


Charles A & Leonor L Taylor wrote:

>Trivia Question:
>Initial short-term callsign assignment for WQXR-1560 NYC was W 2 X R.
>What was the significance of this odd callsign?
>TIS wannabe?