Off topic-electrical problem

Friday, June 10 2005

I know this is not the place to post this, but I need help. Are there
any electricians on the list? I noticed something odd tonight. The
light on my circuit surge protector was blinking. How long is has been
doing that I don't know. My thought was the protector was bad, so I off
I went to buy another one. I plugged that one in and no green light came
on, just the red light. I thought I better check out the oulet. The
outlet is normal with to outlets. The ground in the center is supposed
to be neutral, correct? In otherwords if you take a VOM and go from one
side to the ground, you should get zero volts. Well, I get voltage going
from ground to one side. The other side I don't. Tomorrow I will call an
electrian. No circuit breakers have blown or anything, but something is
wrong. Any ideas? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.



Patrick Martin
Seaside OR
KAVT Reception Manager