New explanations for Wobbler?

Sunday, June 12 2005

I wouldn't want to put too much emphasis on the weekend Wobbler wrinkle.  It is just my impression, not a carefully studied pattern.  For one thing, I am less reliable checking on weekends -- too much baseball, too little time.  
With all the disclaimers and excuses out of the way, here's my theory.  This perceived reduction in wobbling could be due to reduced industrial activity, which reduces the load on the over taxed power system, which allows for a more stable supply to the wobble prone transmitters.  Or, the improved availability of utility power removes the need to use less stable back-up/stand-by/emergency generators to augment the otherwise inadequate supply, use of which induces wobbling in temperamental transmitters.  Obviously these hypotheses are founded on the notion Wobblers are a product of an unstable/inadequate power system, and that based on reports of such in the media. 
And of course, as Paul Z. so astutely points out, there is the matter of fluoridation. I assume he is thinking of the high power demands of fluoridation, which fit right into this scenario.
If power is not the cause, then any correlation between weekends and wimpy Wobblers would be left to vast realms of conjecture.
The important thing to remember is that Wobblers are a very serious issue to which we must apply our best, most sober intellect.
Now, back to the game...
W. Curt Deegan
Boca Raton, (South East) Florida