New NRSC-5 Standard is Available online

Monday, June 13 2005

>From the CGC Newsletter.........


The NRSC-5 Standard is the long-awaited document containing the
technical details of the AM & FM IBOC (HD Radio) broadcast systems. The
document is web-posted as a pdf file and is available for downloading

Although the cover of the document claims "IN-BAND/ON-CHANNEL" digital
radio broadcasting is being discussed, the title is misleading. The
iBiquity IBOC system is really an "IN-BAND/OFF- CHANNEL" affair; that
is, use of IBOC can cause interference well beyond the assigned
frequency of the host analog station.

Take, for example, the reports of interference indicating that the new
IBOC system on KNX, 1070 kHz, Los Angeles, is tearing up the analog
reception of 50,000 watt XEPRS, 1090 kHz, in parts of the greater Los
Angeles area. XEPRS had a fine signal in the affected areas before KNX
switched to IBOC. This interference had not been anticipated based on
past conversations between our office and the IBOC system inventor,
iBiquity, so the situation is disappointing to say the least.

Here, then, is the NRSC-5 document. The spectrum occupancy charts
should be of great interest to many: