New explanations for Wobbler?

Monday, June 13 2005

> Milly-Paul,
> May be good point. May be not. In a large-scale system like up here in
> NA, such an instability would be near disaster.


What I stated above is wrong. Flat wrong. A large plant suddenly goes
off-line here, and it won't really cause much trouble. Whole system
starts to drop in frequency, but neighboring utilities are obligated to
start getting small generators up and on line to back up for lost
generation next door and start moving line frequency back up. Until the
hurting utility takes local action or calls for neighbors to fill in
'til hurting utility gets big plant back on line.

Much smaller system like in Cuba, big plant goes down and blackouts will
probably happen 'til standby generation comes up. Instability? Yes. Step
change downward, though. Discrete, causing step change in power output &
frequency (latter only in junky, poorly designed transmitters).

So no real help there.


Charles A & Leonor L Taylor
Greenville, North Carolina