Tuesday, June 14 2005

870 KSKO AK, McGrath, rec. second QSL in 11d. I got a no detail
note back earlier, but I decided to try a CD with my written report and
I got the reply . Letter from KSKO (Kuskokwim Public Broadcasting Corp)
was signed by: Timothy A. Terrell-News Director and Walt Gregg-GM.
Address: PO Box 70, McGraph AK 99627. (PM-OR)

1600 KOPT OR, Eugene, received a nice letter and transmitter info
in 18d for CD report. V/S: G. Randy Larson-CE. Address: 895 Country Club
Rd, Ste A-200, Eugene OR 97401. MW QSL #2901. (PM-OR)

Patrick Martin
Seaside OR
KAVT Reception Manager