Sunset DX (Hah)

Tuesday, June 14 2005

It still amazes me (and by this time it shouldn't) how bad summer time
sunset/sunrise dx is at this location (San Francisco). Every year I get
the same results, which is one whit more than zilch. This evening for
instance, our sunset time is 8:30 pm PDT. I'm listening just before 8
and the band sounds like midday. Nothing there but my daytimers & the
normal 5 tons of QRN. Tried 890 and got a fairly weak KLFF and that's
all. Boise sunset time is 8:30 also but not a peep out of KDJQ. No
sign of KDXU either, for that matter. Listened at TOH to KKXX Paradise
on 930 (just for something to do) and noticed why dxers continue to go
gray these days. No ID at TOH just a long pause where the ID should
have occured and into SRN News. When SRN News finished about 7 minutes
later there was about a 90 second dead air period until their next
program came on. Bleah!

Compare this to my sunset dxing from NW Iowa. In the early 80s I had
excellent results at sunset in both June and August when I was back
there on vacation(s). My logs from the early 50s also show many, many
stations logged in the summer. San Francisco is absolutely the pits for
summer sunset dx and my recent tries at sunrise have found the same

No wonder you guys are all dxing FM & TV.........

don k.