Sunset DX (Hah)

Tuesday, June 14 2005

Thanks for bringing me back to Reality Bob! It surely was a beautiful day in Northern California today. DX can wait until fall :-).........


Bob Coomler wrote:

> Trade offs, Don, trade offs. A gorgeous day in
> northern California without humidity and very large
> insects. No offense to the midwest dwellers, but I've
> been on both sides and I'll take this one (as will my
> Omaha born wife). :-)
> Bob Coomler
> Cloverdale, CA (where KDXU is wandering in and out at
> 2040 PDST)
> --- The Kaskey Family <> wrote:
> > It still amazes me (and by this time it shouldn't)
> > how bad summer time
> > sunset/sunrise dx is at this location (San
> > Francisco). Every year I get
> > the same results, which is one whit more than zilch.
> > This evening for
> > instance, our sunset time is 8:30 pm PDT. I'm
> > listening just before 8
> > and the band sounds like midday. Nothing there but
> > my daytimers & the
> > normal 5 tons of QRN. Tried 890 and got a fairly
> > weak KLFF and that's
> > all. Boise sunset time is 8:30 also but not a peep
> > out of KDJQ. No
> > sign of KDXU either, for that matter. Listened at
> > TOH to KKXX Paradise
> > on 930 (just for something to do) and noticed why
> > dxers continue to go
> > gray these days. No ID at TOH just a long pause
> > where the ID should
> > have occured and into SRN News. When SRN News
> > finished about 7 minutes
> > later there was about a 90 second dead air period
> > until their next
> > program came on. Bleah!
> >
> > Compare this to my sunset dxing from NW Iowa. In
> > the early 80s I had
> > excellent results at sunset in both June and August
> > when I was back
> > there on vacation(s). My logs from the early 50s
> > also show many, many
> > stations logged in the summer. San Francisco is
> > absolutely the pits for
> > summer sunset dx and my recent tries at sunrise have
> > found the same
> > results..........
> >
> > No wonder you guys are all dxing FM & TV.........
> >
> > don k.
> >
> >
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