New explanations for Wobbler?

Tuesday, June 14 2005

I have read of Cuban power problems -- some references are presented on my Wobbler web site.
My own experience with third-world power systems is limited to a lengthy, all expenses paid stay in exotic southeast Asia.  There, all serious facilities had their own power generating plants.  Diesel generators and the delightful aroma that accompanies, were outside nearly every building not occupied by those indigenous.  For them power was a sometimes thing, coming and going and rarely up to anything approaching a standard.  Common was a variable power transformer to boost voltage to something approaching a useable level.  Frequency was whatever it was.  Brown and black-outs were about the only thing predictable.  The notion of a widely connected grid was a foreign concept. 
While this was several decades ago in a backward country, somehow I am still inclined to see a Cuban parallel -- delivered power far more local than national in origin.  In that situation, fluctuations would be the norm rather than the exception.  Because of this, I have cast my lot with the power theorists of the Wobbler.  Unless of course, something else proves to be the cause, in which case I shall shamelessly hop aboard that pony.
W. Curt Deegan
Boca Raton, (South East) Florida