Slightly off topic post

Wednesday, June 15 2005

See what you did Michael. I listened to FM all day today & only heard
my locals banging in to each other. Pretty gross!


Michael Hawkins wrote:

> Bruce, According to comments made regarding my posting of stations
> logged during this episode, this was E-skip and not tropo. It wasn't
> like any skip I had heard in the past in my limited FM DXing, so I
> thought it was tropo. Rookie exuberance loses out to reality
> again! Mike Hawkins
> wrote:
> Okay, so this is an FM item instead of AM but at least it's
> about DX. This afternoon, while I was driving home, someone
> on KPLU said E-Skip was taking place, so some of their
> normal listeners were getting KQED San Francisco, and some
> of KQED's listeners were getting KPLU. Both are on 88.5.
> This during a local news break in All Things Considered. It
> was kind of unusual hearing them mention E-Skip on the air.
> I don't know what prompted it, maybe they were getting calls
> from listeners in outlying areas. Naturally, I started
> tuning around on FM but didn't hear anything unusual. Bruce
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