New explanations for Wobbler?

Friday, June 17 2005

> 670 Rebelde last week wobbled typically briefly w/decreasing pitch &
wobble rate. Fatuous erroneous speculation - gut instinct: >generator
trip, momentary instability. System stabilizes, wobble rate & deviation
decrease to zero. Corroborative? Si? No?
> -Z.-

I'd think a generator trip would provide a smoothly
changing variation in the frequency and due to
mechanical inertia in the turbine this would be
a slow rate change. It would produce an effect
similar to the multipath you hear on a FM signal
when a plane flys overhead and bounces the signal
back to you. Such as a "whee-whee-whee" that
slows to a "whoosh" then disappears for a second
before returning and speeding up again. But the
rate change, through time, is nearly linear and is
smooth. And it has only a single time-varying
component (0 to 20+ Hz) That's the important

The wobbler has several multiple frequency
components embedded in it, at least three,
and they take turns at being heard. And they
are constantly changing back and forth. I don't think
any mechanical device could create this artifact.

- Bob