WSBR 740 IBOC off, among others.

Friday, June 17 2005

>My luck continues to hold. Three near-local IBOCers are still
>from despoiling the ether. I still must contend with splatter and bad
>W. Curt Deegan

If you send each of them the "thank-you-for-turning-this-noise-off"
letter that was recently suggested here, the worst that could
happen was that you would be ignored, but it is possible they
would reply and at least confirm that it is indeed off, or that it
is temporarily off, and will return on X date, and you might get
some valuable feedback you could share with us as to what
their experience with IBOC has been. Asking why their analog
signal was degraded, and when it will be fixed, may get this
kind of reply.

You, as a _local_ _listener_ (and not just a pesky DXer) are in
a unique position to make this happen.

If you write and get no response, send another after a reasonable
time has passed (10 days?) and request it be placed in the
Public File as well.

- Bob