Radio (Part One-Hundred and Eighty-One)

Friday, June 17 2005

IEN-GA Ira Elbert New, III, Watkinsville - SANGEAN ATS 909 with
SELECT-A-TENNA & Drake R8B 135' N/S Wire

750 CMHV Cuba Trinidad - 06/17 0324 - Latin music, Newscast just shy of 0330
and then more music. Man and woman talking at 0345 and then more music.
Another Newscast was delivered just shy of 0400. Radio Progreso was
mentioned several times along with Havana. President Bush was mentioned in
the newscast just shy of 0400. Good, steady signal on both the SANGEAN and
the Drake with slight splatter from WJR on 760 in Detroit, MI. "Radio
Progreso". (IEN-GA)