Vertical antennas

Friday, June 17 2005

I have a 40 foot vertical in the backyard I have mainly used for phasing
against my other antennas. Several months ago I lost my Northern
beverage because of a new fence that was put in. I could replace it, but
the neighbor has a light dimmer and the noise comes right back to my
receiver. So when that beverage went, the noise level from his dimmer
also dropped at least 50%. Getting back to the vertical. Verticals are
supposed to be omni directional as far as I know. Well mine isn't. It
has a very noticable lobe to the N/NE which I like since losing my
Northern beverage. Living on the Northern Oregon coast the
Vancouver/Victoria BC stations are heard quite well with the vertical.
Since it is directional, does anyone know of a way to make the vertical
more directional to the N/NE? Something is causing it. I do have a
series of ground rods below it in the ground and in a circle. That may
have be factor. Does anyone have any ideas? I like the vertical a lot as
it is so quiet too.



Patrick Martin
Seaside OR
KAVT Reception Manager