Vertical antennas

Saturday, June 18 2005


Try disconnecting the radials except for those to the N/NE.

Before you do, record some S-readings from reliable signals in all four
quadrants, to see if the disconnect is just reducing strength in the
other three, or what.

Oh. Is there something in your antenna's placement, like proximity to a
structure or different soils, which might be creating that lobe?

I have a 33' vertical complementing my AlphaDelta sloper. It is only 5'
away from my frame house, grounded with a single 8' rod, and fed with a
9:1 balun. Tho' I have never deliberately checked its pattern, it does
seem to favor directions away from the house, i.e.,. SE-NW.

Arlington, VA

Patrick Martin wrote:

>I have a 40 foot vertical in the backyard I have mainly used for phasing
>against my other antennas. Several months ago I lost my Northern
>beverage because of a new fence that was put in. I could replace it, but
>the neighbor has a light dimmer and the noise comes right back to my
>receiver. So when that beverage went, the noise level from his dimmer
>also dropped at least 50%. Getting back to the vertical. Verticals are
>supposed to be omni directional as far as I know. Well mine isn't. It
>has a very noticable lobe to the N/NE which I like since losing my
>Northern beverage. Living on the Northern Oregon coast the
>Vancouver/Victoria BC stations are heard quite well with the vertical.
>Since it is directional, does anyone know of a way to make the vertical
>more directional to the N/NE? Something is causing it. I do have a
>series of ground rods below it in the ground and in a circle. That may
>have be factor. Does anyone have any ideas? I like the vertical a lot as
>it is so quiet too.
>Patrick Martin
>Seaside OR
>KAVT Reception Manager
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