Vertical antennas

Saturday, June 18 2005


I am really curious about why you have that N/NE lobe if the radial
pattern is symmetrical around the vert's base.

Part of the reason is that I plan to put some radials under my vertical,
but can only get them in a semi-circle to the SW/NW, and I wonder if I
might not do just as well with a tight circle of ground rods at the base
of the antenna.

(BTW, I have discovered the easy way to install in-ground radials with
next to no sweat: use a little Mantis tiller with its single edger
blade. Makes slits 3" deep as long as you want 'em. And you can rent
the Mantis cheaply.)

What makes you say it would be easier to add radials to the N/NE than to
disconnect those in the other quadrants?


Patrick Martin wrote:

>Now that is interesting. But getting to the rods to the N might take
>some work. It might be easier to just add some extra rods to the North.
>But the old story about verticals being omni is not always the case.
>Mine really puts a lobe to the N/NE. Now not as much as the beverage
>did, but the signal strength is higher on the vertical and the noise
>level is less. The beverage rain a few hundred feet from the powerlines
>running the same direction. Another thing that the vertical picks up the
>locals/semi locals stronger too. But there is more apt to have stations
>under them too.
>Patrick Martin
>Seaside OR
>KAVT Reception Manager
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