brief wobbler on 590

Sunday, June 19 2005



Jeeze, Bob. Wish you could have noticed for sure whether the Wobbler on 590 just over-rode the transmitter on 590 or whether it replaced it.

Assuming it replaced it, then it would make me think that the racket was network-transported. That would take the suspicion away from the power-instability view pretty certainly.

If the Wobbler burst over-rode the 590 transmitter, then it could put the argument back to the power-instability view.

Betcha from the strength of the burst that it came from the 590 transmitter, not a big spur out of nowhere.

The Plot Thickens/The Thot Plickens.

Anyone care to answer ME on this theory of mine?


Robert Foxworth wrote:
Charles A & Leonor L Taylor
Greenville, North Carolina

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