Latest results with Vertical

Sunday, June 19 2005

Hi Everyone,

I want to thank everyone with their comments on the vertical to start
with. Your comments are much appreciated. This evening after dinner when
I got home, I tried to run on top of the ground 1, then, a second and
finally three radials non grounded about 10-15 feet long. One to the NW,
one to the N and the third to the NE. I tied all three together finally
and fed them into the side when the ground rods were connected to my
matching transformer. If I did not mention it, all of my antennas are
fed with RG6 to homebrew matching transfomers. The results? The noise
level is a lot less than with the ground rods. I have 8 or 10 in a
circle buried in the ground below the vertical. The ground rods don't
some to affect the EWE or the Eastern beverage, but the background noise
level (hiss) does go up with the ground rods for the vertical. Because
the noise level is less by a couple S units, the S Meter is not quite as
high, but the weaker signals are better plus directivity of the vertical
is even a bit better to the N/NE. I am thinking about trying a ground
rod at the far end of the radials, but i have an idea, they might be
better floating. Time will tell though. The vertical is still not as
good as the 800-2000 foot NNW beverage I had, but the past couple of
years I had to shorten it to 400 feet and this vertical is close to that
on many frequencies, plus the vertical is far quieter being away from
the powerlines. The NNW beverage only ran a couple hundred feet from the
powerlines along the highway. Even though all powerlines are underground
right here. This is very interesting. I am interested in trying this
after dark tonight. I just have groundwave to describe now. But with the
AU level at 7, it may or may not be too hot. I did notice 960 & 1060
Calgary to be in weakly this afternoon off the vertical and I never
noticed them before off that antenna. The 1500' beverage, but not the
vertical. I am wondering "if" this vertical with the lobes to the N/NE
will be a decent TA antenna when they show up.
More to follow....



Patrick Martin
Seaside OR
KAVT Reception Manager