Vertical antennas

Sunday, June 19 2005



Do keep us posted on developments.


Patrick Martin wrote:

>The whole ground system is totally buried and has been that way for
>several years. Finding the ground rods and the connections would not be
>too easy unless I want to dig down a lot. The tops of the rods are
>several inches below the surface.
>One thing I might try which would be easy is to put on top of the ground
>a couple radials connected to the ground system running those to the
>North/NE and see if the pattern changes. Maybe out 10 or 20 feet. Maybe
>pound a rod into the ground a couple of feet at the far end. The ground
>is still very wet and swampy which it is most of the year except for
>August. I'll keep the lists posted.
>Patrick Martin
>Seaside OR
>KAVT Reception Manager
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