Monitoring 1710 kHz

Sunday, June 19 2005

At 12:16 10/06/2005, you wrote:

>Very weak and fading carrier, no audio on 1709.988 kHz at
>0843 UTC, 0143 PDT 06/04/05. Found again at 0740/0040 06/10/05
>on the same frequency.

Just returned from a working trip offshore in the Northeastern Pacific (not
very pacific much of the time), and had along the DR-333 and its
accompanying signal strength monitoring program. I had set one of the
channels to 1710, and recorded a couple of definite blips above the noise
floor before 1100UTC, about Buenos Aires sunrise. Never more than a
carrier heard, but Buenos Aires sunrise might be a good time to go after
this one in western North America.

best wishes,
