FW: 530 dispute with Gleason

Wednesday, June 22 2005

Uh oh,

    Marti 530 - was it Sat? - bearings due south this qth, straight line > Habana, placing a/c slightly west of K/WEST, early eve. Previous bearings within ten degrees of 180.

   RE: Eduardo - How to run high power station simo w/co-channel? Always thought one simply did. Why does this stymie Dr. E.? Good friend, wife's mentor, himself a student of Anna Freud, graced our RI coastal manse w/weekend visits. Spencer was the guy cops called to pry open heads of noteworthy thuggos. One client was Mr. A. DiSalvo, whose adroitness with nylon stockings left thirteen Boston lassies in the aisles, not laughing. Ca. '89, he examined 'mind' of Craig Price, youthful yet accomplished dispatcher of human lives. Expecting intricate answer illuminating dark vaults of criminal mind, I asked Dr. DeV____.*, "Why do worst criminals tatoo fingers, and always w/"LOVE - HATE"?
   Smiling, he replied good naturedly, "It's just something they do." Simple explanations a puzzlement to some, nonetheless valid. 

  Didn't realize it's impossible to transmit AM from a/c w/o counterpoise. Does this mean TACAMO flights are mere ruse calculated to frighten Soviets into spending inextant resources to keep up with our phantom innovations?

   1969, M.B. Radio Club. Stalwart members, undersigned shuffling shoofly along with lifelong esteemed friend, Aviator Maximo, a C-130 afficianado. Ancient brick New England building, fourth floor, dark, smells of dust, dessicated puke, blistering steam heat. Soda machine down hall on boarding corridor. Faculty Advisor, Dr. King B. 'Doc' Odell's, SX-62 our workhorse radio. No antenna budget. Spliced old cords, picture frame wire, anything, tossed out window. Club Presidente - upperclassman - strode in w/school photog for PR shot. Smarmily admonished we know-nothings re folly of expecting sigs from defenestrated wire devoid of counterpoise.

    Having shooed we unwashed from view, sitting smartly before receiver, he spun dials for camera, utterly chagrined when WWV 25 megs blared forth from matching speaker. Is Eduardo a relation? Does he think we're making this up? Why? Counterpoise my foot.

  Terry, your chronicles motivated undersigned worthless tiddler, stumbling about radio room deep in throes of red tide narcosis, to dredge up '68 TMC Short Form Catalog. Page 33, two photos of converted USN Lockheed Constellation. TMC's 'new aviation division' outfitted a/c w/TV, FM, and AM broadcast transmitters for freedom broadcasts. Stated a/c now flying in Viet Nam. Not TACAMO, maybe precursor of 193rd '130 miciones?

  One must of course consider clever misdirection by TMC. Aircraft flying doesn't mean aircraft broadcasting. After all, AM impossible w/o counterpoise. Another strategic bluff on part of this country? Hmmm....maybe Dr. Eduardo inadvertantly blundered into The Grand Conspiracy of All Conspiracies?

  OK, I confess. I never heard Marti 530. I was listening to Big Ange, alias Salvatore 'Jack' Manzi, on WPRO 630 - "Do the Beeple Beeple Bopple Bop for BIG ANGE" - on R-390#7, the one telepathically connected to my time machine. '69 a great year for radio.

  530 reports actually false flag ops by shadowy insurrectionist group whose cryptic motto is 'Less Hertz, More Snot". Connected to ALPHA-66? Secret Armenian Army? Tons Tons Macoutes?


"Oh, hell. Are the Russians involved?"
                        - Gp. Captain Lionel Mandrake, RAF
                          "Dr. Strangelove", c. 1963, Hawk Films, Ltd.

"The enticing thing about bad taste is the aristocratic pleasure of offending."
                                                                         - anon.
Paul Vincent Zecchino
Manasoviet Key, FL
22 0100 JUN 05

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