Wednesday, June 22 2005

Thanks for the info.  I'll keep an ear on the other two locals to see if and when they resume IBOCcasting.  A quick check just now -- WHSR 980 and WWNN 1470 -- shows that has not yet happened.
WSBR's was off for a couple weeks.  Since their IBOC walks on a station I check regularly, I probably caught that at the beginning.  Only when I noticed their IBOC was off did I tune in the other two, so they may have gone off sooner.  Since all three stations are licensed to the same company and are within a few miles of each other, adjustments might be done on all three, one at a time.  This could explain why the other two are still off, or it could be they needed more work to correct.  If your assessment of the outage is the case, I guess I can expect those two will be back shortly too...groan.
I don't know if the WSBR digital audio was getting out before -- who does, there are no radios -- but the noise certainly was there.  I detect no improvement in the quality of the noise following the interruption for adjustments.  Maybe I should report that to them.  Think they would appreciate my diligence? 
One thing I did today, was check the audible limits of the noise.  The top to bottom frequency range for audible noise from the station on 740, was 758-722.  So they wipe 750 and 730, and add noise to 760 and 720.  So there is IBOC: 'In Band', all over it in fact, and I guess it's 'On Channel', if you include enough channels.
For the record, I have so far not received a response to the question I mentioned sending to the GM of WSBR, but it has been only a couple days.
W. Curt Deegan
Boca Raton, (Southeast) Florida