Thursday, June 23 2005


  Unfortunately, IBOC may not go away. Young Struble - 'We didn't have much money growing up" - (telling victimspeak) demands high investment to put his 'failed system' on air, ensuring perpetuation.

   Let skeptics scoff and poltroons of monopoly-casters take 'offense' at 'uncivil' remarks. IBOC is transparent cover for LBO/predatory tactics to end radio as we know it, to the lasting gain of those would commandeer and misuse it.

  'Traffic texting' my foot. My foot! Two relatives dead before their time, 'disposal of evidence' via cremation, millions stolen, perps claiming 'you can't prove what I did', long ago tuned antennae for sub rosa conduct. Boardroom criminals lack honesty and courage of street crooks. As with their street cousins, they betray themselves with shifting stories.

   Shifting stories: IBOC cheerleaders claimed AM dying, audience dwindling. Why not hire talent, lots of it? Forget digital audio, it's talent that grabs listeners. People will put up with noise and fading to hear compelling programs. But 'weather texting'? Please, spare us this insipid bullshale. IBOC kazoo-blatters don't buy this vapid pap. Why should we?

   Now, IBOC shills shift stories. AM's alive and well they say - after spook tales of imminent demise conned FCC & others into buying this 'turkey designed to wipe out competition'. Alive and well? Then why do we need IBOC?

   Gassily whining the 'no one's listening blues', promoters ballyhooed 'traffic texting' and other 'great services'. Simple quextion: If - as they claim - no one listens to 'primary stream', as digi-geeks call AM programs, how on earth will they glean an audience for secondary 'streams'? More self-serving tales. Why?

  Expressed another way, why not cure 'primary stream' talent deficiency before adding banal second and third 'streams'  about which - mark these words - no one will give a rat's pancreas.

  "Consider Marcus Aurelius, what is it in its essence? What does it do?", exhorts H. Lecter, M.D. What does IBOC do? It jams. It jams, ruining precious spectrum. Struble claims Harvard on his c.v. Harvard, and this RF-flatulent Rube Goldberg contrivance is the best he and his accomplished team can do? Please. It's what it is.  Legalized Jamming.

   Qui bono?

As you state with clarity, Curt, 'In band'? Indeed,  spattered all over it, like blood from esophageal varices on a flophouse cot. 'On Channel'? Surely, if you include enough channels. IBOC first jams, then monopolizes, ultimately destroys.

  Weep not, perhaps Struble & Team can peddle demolished AM spectrum to a parcel service, as happened w/220 Megs.

  Why bother manufacturing any more good quality affordable radios which easily receive and separate adjacent distant stations? Why indeed? IBOC solves inextant problems with monopolistic, kleptocratic 'solutions'. It is to die from.

This 'turkey' advanced due to lack of awareness on part of the American people. Our influence counts. Let's use it.

  We support progress. Why can't IBOC/Ibiquity play by the rules? No interference means just that. IBOC's computer models claim we could 'lose half the AM stations and not miss them'. That lingo marks monopolist thugs. Who appointed Ibiquity to be market judge, jury, and executioner? Avarice is a pitiful condition. In the end, albeit grand designs, they always outsmart themselves. Having cleaned out the vault, they nonetheless grasp for the wooden nickel. Fatal overreach.

  "Io fei gibetto. A me de le mie case."
    -"Avarice, hanging, self-destruction. And I - I made my own home be my gallows."
                                                                - Dr. Fell's lecture to the Caponi Library Scholars.
                                                                  c. 2001, Thomas Harris, "Hannibal", apologia a D. Alighieri.

Paul Vincent Zecchino
Mansoviet Key, FL

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