KFYI-550 Phoenix IBOC

Friday, June 24 2005

My public shaming and disgrace via banishment from a radio post board was at my insistence. 'Suspended for one week' it was, originally, for 'offensive' statements.

  Enquired of the Judge,"Suspension? Where's the fun in that?" My first and final counter offer: "Banishment for Life". If the moderator is so worried about offending IBOC poltroons, then he deserves to lose his hobby. But we don't.

  Guys on the job mark their perp by his shifting stories or taking 'offense' at their questions. 'Offended' is a tactic to deflect questioners from the truth.

   IBOC abomination precisely as I predicted, and I hate it when I'm right. As you note, level of desired analog sig well below horrid roaring HD-flatulence slopped all over spectrum like blood-flecked NIght Train (r) vomitus in a Hell's Kitchen flop house.

   Team Struble/KlarChannel is pulling it off.  Let's stop them.

  It's what it is. Jamming to discourage analog listeners, promote and yoke them to a 'failed' 'turkey system designed to wipe out competition'.

  Our influence counts. Let's use it. Tell friends, family, anyone; rancid noise on the radio is a new 'service' including long thirsted-for 'traffic texting'. Let market place work to clean out the Augean Stables of fecalithic RF digi-doot contrivance Ibiquity claims to be progress.

   Forget hobby. This denies everyone their ability to hear what they want, when they want, where they want. It will interfere when most needed, during storms and other impending disasters. It compels and coerces them to listen to Struble/KlarChannel audio slop-tarts.

  Write to 550, request they place your letter in the public file. CC to FCC, your elected reps, non-IBOC stations. Forget 'civility'. Fret not over sounding 'offensive'.

   Team Struble declared war on radio and its listeners . His sham computer models 'prove' half the AM stations could go dark and not be missed. Oh really? Do you hear the arrogance? The suffusing stench of victimspeak? The outright avarice? The delusions?

   Tell that to every struggling small station owner - 'Team Struble/KlarChannel wants you off the air, you're an inconvenience in their way'.

  This fights far from over.


Paul Vincent Zecchino
Exiliado Maximo,
Manasoviet Key, FL
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