My Loop Antenna is complete...

Friday, June 24 2005

I didn't go with the Four-Foot Loop right off the bat. I went with a smaller
one just to see if I could build one. I am going to try a bigger one soon.
Several folks have made several suggestions as to how to improve the one I
built, but I think it just may be a lack of size. Stay tuned...


At 08:32 21/06/2005, you wrote:
>I'm curiously watching this message for any replies
>you may get that will help you out. I made a similar
>antenna (a 4' box), and I am getting similar results
>that you are getting. It seems to work a little
>better when I use my Terk loop between it and my
>radio. I made sure I followed directions correctly,
>and hooked up the capacitor the right way. I was
>expecting a huge difference with this, but so far I am
>not impressed. Hopefully some good tips/hints will
>come in!
>Mark Stalcup
>Chandler, AZ
>Sony ICF-SW55, Terk AM1000 Loop

I think there is something wrong when a 4' loop doesn't pick up DX. I've
had an unamplified one, 3 feet on a side, for years. It's heard from as
far away as Western Australia and Turkey from this location; admittedly,
none of them recently. No, it doesn't put out as beefy a signal as a
random wire, or even an active whip antenna, but it doesn't have to, as a
decent receiver should provide all the gain one needs.

One problem with loops in recent years has been the large increase in
electrical noise generated inside the average residence, which the loop
picks up much better than many outdoor antennas do. Some of it, such as a
lot from computers, is insidious in that it is a type of white noise. It
appears to raise the noise floor of your receiver, and leaves you hearing
only stronger signals, but without an annoying buzz to identify itself as
the concealer of DX.

Just some thoughts.

best wishes,


Bert New
Watkinsville, Georgia
Proudly Serving You Since 1964!