More on Vertical

Sunday, June 26 2005


Here's an off-the-wall idea (if you can get at the point where all the
radials connect at the bottom of the vertical, which I can't remember if
it's possible with your setup).

Put an MW L/C tuner there in series between your new N/NE radials and
the ground point to see if you can tune those radials themselves --
since they are so short electrically .




> Hello Patrick.
> I use three 2 foot linked copper rods to earth/ground my 400 foot long
> wire antenna. What are "ground radials?"
> Barry
> */Patrick Martin <>/* wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> In adding more radials to the NW/N/NE. I now have four, the
> directivity
> of the vertical has improved more to the NW/N/NE. I notice now
> that many
> stations that were heard before are there, many under closer stronger
> stations.
> 550 KARI Blaine WA u/KOAC Corvallis
> 660 KAPS Mt. Vernon WA stronger u/KXOR-Junction City OR
> 790 KGMI Bellingham WA stronger u/KWIL Albany
> 930 KBAI Bellingham now half and half with KYAK-Yakima (10 kw)
> 1040 CKST Vancouver tearing up KLVP-Tigard OR (CKST is very
> directional
> North)
> 1070 CFAX Victoria, now close to S6. The best I have heard them
> since I lost my Northern beverage, and now less noisy. CFAX puts out
> 40-60 watts in my direction days according to their CE. They are about
> 160 miles to the North.
> 1110 KWDB Oak Harbor, WA, now generally dominant with their little
> 500w. Before not audible days, except near LSS.
> 1260 UNID Signs of a second station now way behind KLYC McMinnville
> OR, probably the TIS on Vancouver Is.
> 1290 KIKN Port Angeles WA, now 30% on the mix with KKSL Portland
> (Not audible before)
> 1300 KKOL Seattle, now audible days weakly. Their 1 KW longwire
> does not get out well.
> 1320 CHMB Vancouver BC, now audible with CC talk behind now
> powerhouse KXRO Aberdeen, WA
> 1410 CFUN Vancouver BC, heard mixing and behind KBNP Portland
> 1430 KBRC Mt. Vernon, WA behind KYKN Salem OR
> 1470 CJVB Vancouver behind KELA Centralia WA
> 1550 KRPI Ferndale WA, mixes with KKAD Vacouver WA.
> 1590 KLFE Seattle WA, mixes behind KMBD Tillamook OR
> 1600 KVRI Blaine WA, mixes with KOHI St. Helens/KPOT Eugene days.
> I am wondering if I got a large piece of tin maybe 4X8 and placed
> it in
> the direction to the NW/N/NE and connected my ground plane to that, if
> ! it would enhance the NW/N/NE even more? The one thing I have
> noticed the
> *ground radials* are quieter than the series of ground rods I have
> been
> using my the veritical.
> The field is total open to the N/NE for 1/2 miles or more and with
> houses and the hills behind me, it probably makes some difference, but
> the radials, even though they are only 10 feet long, have made a
> difference in reception to the N/NE. But to enhance it even more?
> 73s,
> Patrick
> Patrick Martin
> Seaside OR
> KAVT Reception Manager
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