
Tuesday, June 28 2005

Just back from a trip to Sacramento County. Man, has Elk Grove grown.
When I lived in Sacto in the 50s-60s & early 70s it was around 5/10
thousand. Today the sign stated the population is now over 120,000 (and
thats people). Anyway, sorry Michael-no FM dxing as hoped for.
Conversation dominated by wife & daughter (with me in the middle)
precluded that diversion.

Getting back home around 7:30pm and remembering my downstairs neighbors
had moved out earlier today I thought I'd try once again for the evasive
new Idahoan on 890. Tuning in just a few minutes before 8pm PDT I find
rock oldies mixing with KDXU talk & no sign of Arroyo Grande as yet.
Also, just as important, much much less buzz (enjoy your new home former
neighbors). I had KDJQ in for the next 30 minutes, mostly atop KDXU
with numerous singing IDs, such as '89-KDJQ' mixed in. One short ad
break noted around 8:17pm. Really pounded in when they had Elvis
singing 'Heartbreak Hotel 8:08-8:11.

Pretty happy about this one after trying for the last month or better
without a peep.

don k. san francisco ca