
Tuesday, June 28 2005

Thanks Pat. That was the first time I even heard a peep from KDJQ. Better stay put on the Oregon Coast. The congestion down here has become stifling.


Patrick Martin wrote:

> Hi Don,
> KDJQ was in really well until LSS in Boise. Infact in was pretty good
> all day. There seems to be some Mid Summer daytime skip of late.
> On your trip to Elk Grove, that reminds me of Bob & I driving down 99
> in the mid 80s on our way to LA and the traffic was fairly light except
> around Fresno and Bakersfield. When I drove it in Nov 04, it was sure a
> lot different. Wall to wall traffic and the towns like Modesto that were
> 20-30K are now 100K. Most everywhere is growing a lot except for the
> Oregon coast. It slightly grows but very little. Clatsop County had
> 30,500 when I went to college in the late 60s. It is now about 35,000.
> 73,
> Patrick
> Patrick Martin
> Seaside OR
> KAVT Reception Manager
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