
Tuesday, June 28 2005


Even Portland is a lot busier than it used to be. Back in the 60s/70s
the metro population from Vancouver WA to Salem was hardly 1 million,
now from Wilsonville North of Salem to Vancouver WA is over 2 million.
Seattle has grown even more. The coast has changed very little. We do
have more businesses than we used to, but the population hasn't changed
a whole lot. Not many jobs and most are $ 6-$ 7 an hour. I like it here.
Also DXwise it hasn't changed much. The last "new" AM station to come on
the the county was KSWB in 1968. Several new FMers have some on in the
past several years, but no new AMs. There are CPs for a couple 1700 and
1570, but I doubt either will come on. No money. I am not sure if either
CPs are even alive anymore. A 10 and 50 KW we don't need or want.



Patrick Martin
Seaside OR
KAVT Reception Manager