
Wednesday, June 29 2005

I recently heard of a nefarious rumor that Modesto, CA now has a
population of 225-250 k. This isn't possible! Balderdash, I say!! Why I
recall when my hometown (that being Modesto) was a mere 30-50 k, and that
wasn't that long ago....perhaps a mere 50 or so years ago. 225k population
my toppled antenna!

That said, and since we're discussing California, sort of, here's
a realty tip: buy property in Nevada and Arizona. Soon, they'll have beach
front property without having to move, hi.

Mike in water-logged JAX, NC

At 11:59 PM 6/28/2005, you wrote:
>It seems like everyone moves to CA these days. Probably FL is like that
>in the East too.
>I remember driving into San Diego back in the mid 80s and seeing the
>population sign of over 1 million. I was surprised.
>Patrick Martin
>Seaside OR
>KAVT Reception Manager