THE END + Even more!

Thursday, June 30 2005

Lynn Hollerman wrote:
> My apologies. This was a private message - at least that's what I
thought when I addressed and sent it! Now to figure out why it didn't
stay that way!
>Sorry again!
Lafayette, LA

Charles wrote:

Dear Mama Lynn [babysitter to the list],

Think that's referring to my last, about daughter/son-in-law and the
crew moving to Texas. Was supposed to be private, but I don't care. No
tears, now. Hear?

Can actually just bring this into list on-topic boundaries. Read on and
see how devious I am:

They will be able to hear on radio and see on TV non-stop XE stuff 2/47
365/6. Lucky, though that daughter studied SS in HS and can recover it
fairly quickly. +
she was born in Philippines, remembers most Filpino she learned and
could become fluent quickly. Language skills are additive and
synergistic [That just brings it in on-topic...barely. The stuff about

We would much rather move to Louisiana. We're hurricane & typhoon
veterans. As long as house can withstand gusts, water and power outages
mean little. For Leonor when she was a child, typhoons were an adventure
full of fun experiences. We could get a house on the coast that
withstands the worst and thrive.

Already exploring Louisiana as a final setting place. New DX. Humidity
and temperatures and 'skeeters are all old hat. We'd have to learn new
snakes and Cajuns and new variations of Redneck culture.


Cousin Charles


Charles A & Leonor L Taylor
Greenville, North Carolina