"RUS-DX" # 137 - B
Broadcasting of Russia, countries of CIS and Baltiya
December 2004
Monthly information bulletin of Russian DX League
Electronic version
Time : UTC
Chief Editor : Anatoly Klepov
Managing Editor : Marianna Pavlova
E-mail : dx-league@mtu-net.ru
Web site : http://rusdx.narod.ru
Post address : Anatoly Klepov, ul.Tvardovskogo, 23 - 365, 123458 Moscow,
"RUS-DX" may not be redistributed without permission.
If quoting from the bulletin, please list the original reporter and "RUS-DX"
as a source.
Voce of Russia. Russian World Service.
Relay via SW transmitters of Russia..
31/10/2004 - 26/03/2005
kHz UTC kW
6000 1630-1800 250
6130 1600-2100 250
6145 1600-2200 250
7230** 2200-2100 250
7260 0200-0400 500
7290 1600-2100 250
7305 1800-2000 200
7330 0000-0400 500
7330 1700-2200 250
7360 1500-1900 250
7365 1300-1600 200
7390 1700-2100 250
7400 1800-2200 200
7420* 1800-2100 250
9470 1500-1800 250
9480 1600-2100 500
9830 1300-2000 500
12035 1100-1600 500
12060 DRM 0700-1600 080
15460* 1200-1500 500
15780 DRM 0700-1100 080
17570** 1200-1500 500
5895 1500-1800 400
5910 1600-1700 400
5950 1900-2100 400
6030 1800-2000 200
6060 1800-2100 400
6090 1600-1900 200
6195 0100-0300 500
7130 1700-1800 400
7130 1830-2800 400
7340 1600-1800 200
12005 0700-0900 200
12060 0700-0900 200
5920 1630-2000 160
6235 1800-2200 160
7445 1500-2200 160
9720 1000-1100 160
5935 1500-1800 250
5940 1500-2000 250
6000 1800-2230 200
6175 1800-2000 200
6185 1300-1700 250
7215 1800-2000 250
7315* 1400-1700 250
7320* 1700-1800 200
7355 1900-2000 200
7370 1630-1900 200
7390 0000-0300 500
7420** 1700-1800 200
9885** 1300-1600 250
9900* 1300-1600 250
9900** 1400-1700 250
6045 1400-2000 200
7310 1845-2100 200
7320 1600-1630 200
7380 1700-2000 200
5925 1500-2000 100
5945 0100-0300 500
5950 1800-1900 250
6005 1500-1900
7240 0200-0400 500
7300 1600-2200 250
9800 1200-1600 500
11655 1300-1500 250
15540 1000-1100 250
5945 1500-1900 100
5995 1200-1500 100
7155 1500-1900 500
7305 1200-1400 200
7305 1400-1600 500
9465 1000-1100 200
9865 1200-1300 500
5910 1700-1900 250
5920 1000-1400 100
5995 1500-1900 100
6125 1000-1100 100
6125 1200-1300 100
9770 1300-1500 500
21790 0600-0900 250
6205 1200-1300 500
6205 1400-1600 500
7335 1700-2000 500
7350 1200-1600 500
17570 0800-1000 250
17695 0200-0500 250
6145 1100-1300 100
7220 1100-1500 100
7155 1200-1400 250
9495 1300-1500 250
12110 0200-0600 250
15475 0200-0400 250
17665 0600-1000 250
3955 1000-1100 100
3955 1200-1300 100
3955 1400-1500 100
5930 1100-1500 100
7260 1300-1800 500
15425 0300-0600 500
7415 1500-1900 250
13665 0200-0400 250
15595 0200-0600 200
* = Till 05/03/2005
** = Since 06/03/2005
Voce of Russia. Russian World Service.
Relay via SW transmitters abroad Russia .
31/10/2004 - 26/03/2005
kHz UTC kW
11510 1700-2000 500
6170 1900-2100 500
7125 0000-0600 500
7180 0100-0600 500
7150 0200-0600 500
4940 1600-1500 100
4940 1600-1700 100
4965 1300-1500 100
4965 1600-1700 100
4975 1300-1500 100
4875 1600-1700 100
7510 1500-2000 200
7570 0000-0300 500
9945 0200-0300 500
11500 1200-1500 500
17495 0800-1000 500
17525 0800-1000 500
11500 1500-1600 120
Vatican City State
7170 2100-2130 250
7350 0200-0500 250
5965 2000-2200 100
5975 2000-2200 100
5990 2100-2200 100
5995 0200-0400 100
6175 2300-0000 100
9555 1500-1600 100
(Nikolay Rudnev, Belgoodskaya oblast)
Radio Kultura.
66,11 MHz - 0900-0300 - Abakan
66,20 MHz - 0900-0300 - Rybinsk (Yuroslavskayay oblast)
70,04 MHz (Plan) - 0900-0300 - Vologda
91,6 MHz - 0900-0300 - Moscow
(On_Air.ru, 07/12/04 / MIDXB # 401, 07/12/04)
100,3 MHz Radio Shanson
(Victor Rutrovskiy, Ekaterinburg / "open_dx")
Krasnoyarskiy kray. Krasnaya Polyana.
102,2 MHz Radio Shanson
(Victor Rutrovskiy, Ekaterinburg / "open_dx")
1026 kHz (Oyash)
0000-0300 Russkoe Mezhdunarodnoe Radio
1700-2000 Sodruzhestvo
(Igor Yaremenko, Novosibirsk / "open_dx')
104,8 MHz (plan) Radio 7 - Na Semi Kholmakh
(Victor Rutrovskiy, Ekaterinburg / "open_dx")
Primorskiy kray. Ussuriysk.
100,7 MHz Europa Plus
(Victor Rutrovskiy, Ekaterinburg / "open_dx")
Rostovskaya oblast. Volgodonsk.
73,61 MHz Radio "Novaya Zhizn"
(Victor Rutrovskiy, Ekaterinburg / "open_dx")
Samarskaya oblast.
67,61 and 103,6 MHz - Radio Megapolis.
(Victor Rutrovskiy, Ekaterinburg / "open_dx")
70,64 MHz - Radio Petrograd - Russkiy Shanson
(Victor Rutrovskiy, Ekaterinburg / "open_dx")
101,4 MHz - Echo Moskvy
(Victor Rutrovskiy, Ekaterinburg / "open_dx")
MHz Radiostation
90,0 Europa Plus
KHz Radiostation
999 Radio Terra any more does not work
(Victor Rutrovskiy, Ekaterinburg / "open_dx")
Tx - Kolodishchi
"Kanal Kultura"
1125 kHz - 150 kW - 0500-2200
Belorusskoe Radio - 1
6115 kHz - 75 kW - 0400-2300 - To Belarus
6080 kHz - 150 kW - 0400-2300 - To Ukraine
7170 kHz - 250 kW - 0500-0700 - To Russia
11960 kHz - 250 kW - 1000-1100 - To Russia
7255 kHz - 250 kW - 1500-1800 - To Russia
5970 kHz - 250 kW - 0200-0400 - To West Europa
7210 kHz - 75 kW - 0200-0400 - To West Europa
7105 kHz - 250 kW - 2000-2300 - To West Europa
7340 kHz - 75 kW - 2000-2300 - To West Europa
Family Radio
7440 kHz - 150 kW - 1900-2000 - Ih Spain
(Sergey Alexseychik, Grodno, Belarus | "open_dx")
9290 KHZ
AT 1500 UTC
73s TOM
(Tom Taylor, U.K.)
kHz / Mod. / UTC / Date / ITU / Radiostation / SIO / DXer
10872 / CW / 08.40 / 05/12 / RUS / SLHFM / U (.._). QTH - Murmansk. / 599
/ RS
(Ruslan Slavutskiy , Moskovskaya oblast)
Cumbredx digest # 948, 04 Dec 2004
Subject: [Cumbre DX] E-QSL from European Music Radio
Hello Dxers,
On December 3, 2004 I received a E-QSL from European Music Radio, Latvia
9290 kHz. November 28, 2004 1500 - 1530 UTC sent reception report via
e-mail and received
new full data E-QSL card in 5 days via e-mail. V/S Tom Taylor,
Best 73's
Nino Marabello
Treviso, Italy
Web page of EMR QSL :
Cumbredx digest # 949, 05 Dec 2004
Subject: [Cumbre DX] Russia skeds B04
Voice of Russia, World Russian Service, B04:
0200-0300 6195 7150 7240 7260 7350 12010 13665
0300-0400 7150 7240 7260 7330 12010 13665
1300-1400 5995 6145 7260 7365 9495 9770 9830 15460
1400-1500 5995 6205 7260 7315 9495 9770 9830 15460
1600-1700 5945 7315
1800-1900 7360 7400
2000-2100 6170 7310 7400 7445
2100-2200 7445
Voice of Russia, "Sodruzhestvo" Service, B04:
1300-1400 6185
1400-1500 6045 6185 7365
1500-1600 5940 5995 6045 6185 7365 7445 9555
1600-1700 5940 5995 6045 6185 7445
1700-1900 5940 5995 6045 7445
1900-2000 5940 6045 7445
Russian International Radio, B04
0000-0200 7125
0200-0400 5995 7125
0400-0600 7125
1100-1200 12025
1500-1800 7155 7360
1800-1900 7155
2000-2100 5965 5975
2100-2200 5965 5975 5990
(Nikolai Rudnev - Russia/NASWA Listeners Notebook
BC-DX 693, 07 Dec 2004
AZERBAIJAN Voice of Azerbaijan heard 14 Nov at 1500-1630 on 6110 kHz.
SINPO: 35543, in Azeri. Couldn't be catched in previous seasons because of
QRM by other strong signals.
(open_dx - Ivan Zelenyi, Nizhnevartovsk-RUS, DXsignal Nov 29)
[non, NAGORNO-KARABAKH] A radio station 'Voice of Justice' broadcasting
in Stepanakert in the Azerbaijani lang tries to establish a 'trust bridge'
between the Karabakh conflict parties.
(Andy Sennitt-HOL, dxld Nov 27)
9677v kHz. The station is on the air since August 1997, the "actual" name
(in Azeri) is "Aedaelaen Saesi Radiosu". (Bernd Trutenau-LTU, ibid.)
BELARUS RFE/RL's Belarus Service reported that participants in an
international conference organised by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in
Warsaw November 6th mentioned the establishment of a European radio
station that could broadcast to Belarus as one of the EU's possible
measures to influence the situation in that country. "The chance that such
a radio station will be created is very great," European Parliament Deputy
Chairman Janusz Onyszkiewicz said. He noted that the European Parliament
is not going to cooperate with the Chamber of Representatives elected in
October in what it considers to be democratically defective elections.
"We will be looking for ways to co-operate directly with Belarussian
society and support the formation of a civic society," Onyszkiewicz said.
"For example, we can do that by setting up a new Belarussian lang European
radio station, this idea enjoys a lot of support in the European
Parliament." Hans-Georg Wieck, former head of the OSCE Office in Minsk,
also backed the idea of European radio for Belarus. In addition, Wieckk
suggested that Europe should consider launching a new television channel
that would reach viewers throughout Belarus or paying Russian television
stations to air "regular opposition programmes."
(RFE/RL NL via Jonathan Murphy-IRL, wdxc Contact Dec)
KYRGHYZSTAN Gegen 1414-1418 UT war auf 4010 kHz mit 35333 Kyrgyz Radio
mit dem deutschen Nachrichtenprogramm zu hoeren.
Nach Informationen der Station sendet man nur um 1915 kirgisischer Zeit
1415 UT von Mo-Fr ein fuenfminuetiges Nachrichtenprogramm in Deutsch auf
der qrg 4010 kHz und 104,1 MHz.
(Wolf-Dieter Behnke-D, A-DX Dec 3)
RUSSIA [KALININGRAD] 6235, Voice of Russia, 2045-2101 Nov 26, Heard a
mx program with OM host at tune-in; mostly Russian rock 'n' roll was
played. ID at 2058 "This is the World Service of the Voice of Russia". IS
at ToH, ID, then nx presented by a YL. Per Mikhail Timofeyev of St.
Petersburg radio center (via Wolfgang Bueschel) and an e-mail response to
John Herkimer, this txion is via Kaliningrad. The HFCC B-04 listing is
incorrect. SINPO 23332 with some ute QRM in USB.
(George Maroti-NY-USA, Cumbre Nov 29)
9480, Primorskoye Radio, Vladivostok, sent their QSL-card for my Oct 5
rcpn of one of the two days of testing of R. Tikhy Okean on this channel.
Nice white card, coat-of-arms in upper left, logo upper right, full-data
and "Best regards, Pacific State TV and B/Cing Co., Vladivostok, <www.ptr-
vlad.ru> < ptr @ ptr-vlad.ru> " In 6 wks. for postal rpt with CD
recording, ppc (not used), SAE (used) and mint stamps (I think they used
them); I also sent them a copy of my postal rpt by E-mail. Envelope shows
address as TGTRK "Vladivostok," Uborevicha st. 20-A, 690950 Vladivostok,
Russia (which is the address I used, except I used postal code 690091).
What is the relationship between TGTRK, Primorskoye Radio and R. Tikhy
(Jerry Berg-MA-USA, DXplorer Nov 28)
Same card, and a ltr in En from Alexey Giryuk (Technical Dept Engineer),
indicating "In the nearest future we are planing to be in the air
regularly." Address as above. In 7 wks for an E-mail and hard copy of RS
rpt with $ 2. (Ron Howard-CA-USA, DXplorer Nov 28)
Radio Armonia, Iashi, Romania in Romanian, Sat only, via TWR at 1700-1730
UT poor on 6240 and not heard on annt 7180, via Ekaterinburg-RUS. Now
6245, 7175 see BELOW !
(Rumen Pankov-BUL, BC-DX Nov 20 / 27)
Freqs changes for TWR Europe via EKB 2 x 100 kW / 263 deg:
1545-1630 Sun & 1600-1630 Mon-Sat Polish; 1630-1700 Daily Hungarian;
1700-1715 Mon/Tue/Thu/Fri Czech; 1700-1730 Sat Romanian NF 6245, x6240
1700-1715 Mon/Tue/Thu/Fri Czech; 1700-1730 Sat Romanian NF 7175, x7180
(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via BC-DX Nov 30)
4625 kHz from Numbers & Oddities #89:
>From a usually well informed source, I received interesting info about
UVB-76 (not UZB-76) a.k.a. "The Buzzer".
The exact location is 40 km North-West of Moscow, half-way between
Zelenograd and Solnechnogorsk. The facility is being operated by the army.
It is a communications hub of the General Staff of the army (Uzel Svyazi
Generalnogo Shtaba Armii). Earlier notes that state that this station
belongs to the Strategic Missile Troops are said to be incorrect.
The tx is a 15 kW "Molniya". The station is using a horizontal multi-wire
dipole ""VGDSh". The antenna farm is near the village of Lozhki.
According to my contact this channel is part of a network that transmits
coded orders to military units, civil defence objects and recruitment
centers ("Voyenkomaty"). The recruitment centers reportedly monitor UVB-76
around the clock.
(Christian Zietz-D, A-DX Dec 5)
UKRAINE Radio Ukraine International put in a pretty good signal on 7440
at 0100 UT Nov 29. Their newscast dealt exclusively with the current
political crisis in Ukraine. No interviews, just a woman reporter. Two
days of blockades of govtal buildings continue. A rumor that 300 military
cadets were expelled for attending a demonstration was untrue. After the
news, "Ukrainian Diary" focused on the past week in the Ukraine. There had
been thousands on the streets (especially in Kiev) starting on Sunday.
The Supreme Court revealed on Thursday it had received a petition about
the election. There were 600 international observers that had determined
that the elections did not meet international and European norms. Three of
these representatives were quoted at length. Free and fair elections are
still lacking in Ukraine. The presentation seemed to be low key in its
presentation, just factual information (though nothing really new) with no
commentary attached. (Roger Chambers-NY-USA, ODXA)
UZBEKISTAN [TIBET non] 17515, Clandestine. Voice of Tibet. New txion
started 26th Nov 1100-1145 in Tibetan and last 15 mins in Chinese. Chinese
jammers didn't find it yet! Good reception until Vatican sign- on at 1130
cochannel with English Holy Mass from the Vatican Chapel. Requested V. of
Tibet to move to 17525, which they will do today and leave Vatican in the
clear. (Victor Goonetilleke-CLN, Nov 21, Dec ARDXC-ADXN)
Tashkent, 100 kW 131 degr. (wb)
Address of Radio Tashkent International in Germany:
Radio Tashkent International
c/o Uzbekistan Airways
Hebelstrasse 11
D-60318 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
(Douglas Kaehler-D, A-DX Dec 2)
Adresse von Radio Taschkent International in Deutschland:
E-Mail ist doch viel einfacher. <info @ uzpak.uz> oder
<uzradio @ uzpak.uz> (Martin Elbe-D, A-DX Dec 2)
OBSERVER # 341, 07 December 2004
UZBEKISTAN(non): Freq change for IBC Tamil Sce in Tamil:
0000-0100 NF 7450 TAC 100 kW / 165 deg, ex 7460
UZBEKISTAN(non): New schedule for VOTibet in Tibetan/Ch via TAC 100 kW / 131
1100-1148 on 17515 or 17520 or 17525 + Chinese Mx Jammer >>>>> new txion
1212-1300 on 17525 or 17545 or 17560 + Chinese Mx Jammer
1302-1350 on 15535 or 15525 or 15540 + Chinese Mx Jammer
1430-1518 on 7480 or 7505 or 7520 + Chinese Mx Jammer
1520-1608 on 7480 or 7505 or 7520 + Chinese Mx Jammer >>>>> cancelled
Cumbredx digest # 953, 09 Dec 2004
The broadcast is via Tashkent, which is also used by VI for Hindi
transmissions 9570 0100-0400, 13690 0500-0900, 13765 1100-1400, 9855
(Bob Padula)